well the thing is im breaking up with my boyfriend because it is not working out and want to know how to deal with itHow do u deal with a break up?
be strong. think future and if you do love him it will hurt but you will eventually get over it. just try no to think if him or things that remind you of him and goodluck. god bless.How do u deal with a break up?
Just live with it.. is all. If he was the right one. You and him would be together. Forget him. He was not the right one for you in the first place ok. You will find your Mr. right some day. But this one was not for you. Just think there is bad ones in this world as well as good ones. Just pray your Mr. right comes soon OK. Think postitive instead of feeling negative about your relationship. REX
As u are into a relationship right now . if u really wanna brkup... u need to handle things more carefully.. as to reduce the time u talk up on phone... meet him rarely... so as him to get the feeling of not interested to continue up with this relationship. Abrupt ending up relation may lead to a havoc... handle it wisely... take care
How do I deal with a break up? I just move on. Life is short. There will always be some one else out there. Who knows. They might be better than your ex
The way i deal with break ups is, let my self cry for the first day and be sad after that i always keep my friends around me because they cheer me up and also work as a distraction too. after that i'm usually fine.
just went through a breakup and heres how i handled it anyway..
step one: think about everything that happened, really think about it. come to a conclusion. accept that a break up was the only way it could have ended. cry about it, think about it... etc.
step two: DONT EVER THINK ABOUT IT AGAIN. it will only make it worse. just accept that youve already accepted the loss and theres no point. find distractions... talk to friends.. go out... just dont dwell on the things that you cant change any more
Well, it is definitely not an easy thing to do deal with a break up. But there are many ways in which you can get over it. Just like making yourself busy and occupied by things which can help you not to think about what happened between you and your boyfriend. Entertain yourself, talk much and laugh much. Being sentimental would only feel you bad.
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