Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you deal with a break up?

i have been with someone for 5 years..we were going 2 get married and he said he just wants to be friends...i dont know what 2 do..i dnt think i cud eva get ova him...he was my do u deal with that ?

How do you deal with a break up?
Awh sweetie i know EXACTLY what your going threw.

Unfortunately theres nothing really you can do to just forget about the whole thing.

But you can do stuff to take your mind off it. Go out with your friends more take up a hobbie etc.

Just once your not in sitting by yourself, listening to sad songs or anything, that's never good :(

5 years is a longg time, so itl take that little bit longer, but eventually it will get easier.

good look babe.xHow do you deal with a break up?
The only answer is with time.

Its hard because time isn't something you can just buy. But as time goes on you will start to feel better. The best thing to do is to keep busy get your friends round go out. Just try not to sit in alone because you will just think and it makes everything seem a hundred times worst.

I'm sure he will always have a special place in your heart but you will eventually find another love as impossible as it may seem.

So good luck and stay strong.


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