Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to deal with a break-up?

Any tips?How to deal with a break-up?
Practical advices:

1. Feel, I know it feels like letting those emotions out would be destructive, but really it's the best thing you can do, so cry, be depressed, be angry, don't be afraid of your own emotions.

2. avoid your ex - I'm not saying don't go out of the apartment, but also, don't go to the places the two of you used to hang out, if he/she wants to stay friends, refuse. There's no way to turn a lover into a friend without the buffer zone of time and recovery. Meeting them might sooth the pain for a short time, but it doesn't help you recover from the pain.

3. Therapy - I couldn't afford it at the time, but I think that this is the perfect time and way to process your feelings and also learn about your relationship patterns and how to break them.

4. Blog - That was a good way for me to express my own emotions and later on to get support and love and help from people who were reading it.

5. Understanding that this is a sucky time in life and that it's not going last forever

can you answer mine;r=wHow to deal with a break-up?
start up with new relationship im available

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