Monday, August 16, 2010

How can I deal with an awful, devastating break up?

I'm 21 and my boyfriend of 3 years recently broke up with me. I am just completely devastated. I honestly thought I would spend the rest of my life with him. I'm really struggling and don't see any way this can get any better. The one person who can make me feel better doesn't want to be with me anymore. Help!How can I deal with an awful, devastating break up?
First of all, you need to know and accept that the relationship is truly over. Until you are able to say that he is part of your past and not your present and future, you will not be able to move on.

There are a number of steps you can take to reach closure. Closure is the process where you recognize that the relationship is over and you start to heal.

The first thing you should do is communicate your hurt. There are several ways to do this:

Talk to friends and family who are truly empathetic and can help you work through your feelings. A true friend will do this.

Write down your feelings in a journal, in poetry, or in music. This is an inexpensive way to express yourself and doesn鈥檛 require anyone else to participate.

Next, figure out how you are going to spend your time now that you are not part of a couple.

Get involved in things that make you happy. Go to the gym so that you look and feel good. Spend some time getting pampered at the spa. Take a class at the community center.You need to find new interesting things to do.

By doing things that please you, you will become a happier person.You will also become a more interesting person and find yourself making new friends in new situations that may well lead to you finding a new relationship in time. You will then find that you miss your ex a lot less.

Here is a resource I recommend that has helped lots of people. It will help you understand relationships and how to deal with breaking up and moving on.

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